Payment for our driving school can be made either in cash or by transfer. Below is detailed information on the payment procedure.
First Installment
The first installment is 150 euros. This amount includes: theory lessons, first aid training, and part of the office expenses. The first installment can be transferred to the driving school's account or paid in cash at the first meeting.
Driving Lessons
Practical driving lessons begin after the second installment has been made and continue as payments are received. The second installment can be half or a third of the remaining amount, or any other sum. The number of driving lessons will correspond to the amount of money deposited. After the paid lessons are exhausted, training will be suspended until the next installment or the full course amount is paid.
No driving lessons on credit are conducted.
Payment Information
Driving school account:
Recipient's name: Igor Ivanovski
Explanation (selgitus): Please indicate the name and surname of the student for whom the payment is made. For example: Name Surname for driving course.
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