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Organization of Training

01 Jan Courses. Registration for training.
01 Jan Igor Ivanovski's Driving School BRAVO Training Organization Principles
Ivanovski Igor 0 9603
1. General Provisions The adult continuing education institution founded by Igor Ivanovski's Driving School BRAVO (hereinafter referred to as the Educator) bases its organization of continuing education on the current legal acts of adult education and other relevant legal acts and documents. The Educator organizes continuing education courses aimed at adults. Classes usually take place in spaces suitable for educational activities, rented on a monthly basis at Estonia pst...
01 Jan Initial Stage of Theoretical Driving Instruction
Ivanovski Igor 0 667
Initial Stage of Theoretical Driving Instruction The program is effective from 01.01.2024 No. Topic Name Hours T1 Overview of the sequence and objectives of educational work. Guidelines for individual learning. 2 T2 Road traffic as a system. Terms. 2 T3 Road traffic as a system. Terms. 2 + 1 T4 Road traffic as a system. Traffic controller signals. Traffic lights..
01 Jan Documents Issued by the Driving School after Training
Ivanovski Igor 0 557
Upon completion of driving school, each student is issued a document confirming their educational status. This can be a certificate or a statement, depending on the results of the assessment of learning achievements. Certificate The certificate is awarded to students who have successfully mastered the learning outcomes and passed the assessment, such as passing an exam or test. The certificate serves as an official confirmation that the student has acquired the necessary skills and..
01 Jan Category B Motor Vehicle Driver Training Program
Ivanovski Igor 0 8227
The program is effective from 01.11.2023 Basic principles of category B training program Organizational bases of teaching Beginner level: The training of category B drivers consists of theoretical preparation and driving lessons in accordance with the curriculum. Theoretical lessons take place in an auto class equipped with visual aids and relevant technology (computer, projector, etc.). Driving lessons are conducted in ..
01 Jan Final stage training for category B subcategory vehicle drivers
Ivanovski Igor 0 561
Final Stage Training Theory Training Driving Training Topic Hours of Study Topic Driving Hours LT1. Environmentally Friendly, Safe, and Considerate Attitude Towards Others in Traffic. Behavior in Slippery Road Conditions 3 LS1. Deepening the Environmentally Friendly, Risk-Averse, and Considerate Driving Style 1 ..
01 Jan Initial Stage of Car Driving Training
Ivanovski Igor 0 624
Initial Stage of Theoretical Driving Instruction The program is effective from 01.01.2024 No. Topic Name Hours T1 Overview of the sequence and objectives of educational work. Guidelines for individual learning. 2 T2 Road traffic as a system. Terms. 2 T3 Road traffic as a system. Terms. 2 + 1 T4 Road traffic as a system. Traffic controller signals. Traffic lights..
01 Jan Payment Procedure for Driving School
Ivanovski Igor 0 1529
Payment for our driving school can be made either in cash or by transfer. Below is detailed information on the payment procedure. First Installment The first installment is 150 euros. This amount includes: theory lessons, first aid training, and part of the office expenses. The first installment can be transferred to the driving school's account or paid in cash at the first meeting. Driving Lessons Practical driving lessons begin after the second installment has been made and continue..
01 Jan First Aid Training Courses
Ivanovski Igor 0 1189
Approval of the Procedure for Crediting Hours of First Aid Training and Verification of First Aid Knowledge Approve the order of admission to first aid training as of 01.01.2023. If a student presents a document of completion of first aid training issued by another driving school or institution, the first aid training course for vehicle drivers can be accepted provided all the following conditions are met: The document must indicate that it is first aid training; The instructor's name i..
01 Jan Documents Issued After Training Completion
Ivanovski Igor 0 1212
Upon successful completion of all requirements specified in the curriculum, a Certificate of Course Completion is issued to the student. The Certificate includes the following information: Name and personal code of the person who completed the training; Name and registration code of the educational institution that conducted the training; Time of training; Date of certificate issuance; Certificate number; Number and date of the exam protocol. If a student has not met th..
01 Jan Training Curriculum for Category B Vehicle Drivers
Ivanovski Igor 0 1536
Curriculum group: Transport services Total volume of study: At the basic level: min 28 classroom hours (lesson duration 45 minutes) and 30 driving hours (45 min). At the final stage: 4 classroom hours and 2 driving hours. Study content: Preparing the driver according to the curriculum by giving the student the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for behaving in traffic, which meet ..
01 Jan Driving School Tuition Fees
Ivanovski Igor 0 15423
Базовое обучение - 870 €Теория - 22 урокаУроки вождения - 30 уроков по 45 минут каждыйУроки вождения в ночное время (входит в 30 уроков)Уроки вождения на скользкой дороге (входит в 30 занятий).Первая помощь - 30 €16 академических часовИтого: 900 €..
02 Aug Class Schedule for 2025
Ivanovski Igor 0 651
Best Opencart theme options you can find in any theme? Decide for yourself by visiting one our demo admin, user/pass: demo/demo. The Journal 3 blog has been greatly improved and it now comes with the most advanced set of typography tools, including custom drop-cap support as well as optional newspaper-like fluid columns. You can break up the page in up to 4 columns and change the configuration per breakpoint for the best article layout on any screen width. The Journal blog is built directly into..
15 Sep The Principles of Ensuring Quality Training at BRAVO Driving School
Ivanovski Igor 0 6469
1. General Provisions Igor Ivanovski's Driving School BRAVO (hereinafter: Educator) adheres to the adult education law, the institution's charter, the principles of teaching organization, and other documents intended for internal use of the institution in ensuring the quality of further education. In conducting training and interaction, the Educator is guided by value-based relationships, openness, honesty, and willingness to help. The Educator organizes further ..
15 Sep Instructors
Ivanovski Igor 0 1464
15 Sep Training License
Ivanovski Igor 0 1229
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)

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